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About Us

The concept behind “PenChore” is geared towards assisting website owners or small-scale developers who possess sufficient knowledge and expertise in WordPress, thus obviating the necessity for technical support typically provided by developers. Moreover, it caters to those operating within constrained budgets, enabling them to procure plugins for their own projects or those of their clients.

In certain instances, the cost of acquiring plugins for client websites can escalate to significant sums, a financial burden particularly pronounced in developing nations. Consequently, PenChore endeavors to support knowledgeable individuals, bloggers, and developers who eschew the need for support or automatic updates in order to economize.

The term “open source” is widely recognized, denoting software or code freely available for use. This confers upon users the liberty to utilize the acquired code as they see fit. It’s important to clarify that developers retain the prerogative to charge for their developed code. However, upon purchase, users are granted unrestricted usage rights.

Should one choose to distribute copies of such programs, whether complimentary or for a fee, it is imperative to confer upon recipients all associated rights. This entails ensuring recipients have access to, or can obtain, the source code, and are informed of their rights under these terms.

Consequently, downloading plugins and themes from PenChore is entirely lawful. Users are encouraged to download and utilize as many resources as required across multiple projects without constraint.

You are granted the freedom to utilize, duplicate, analyze, modify, and enhance the products according to your preferences.

WordPress operates on open source principles and is under the GPL (General Public License) framework, detailed further on the WordPress website > here.

It’s crucial to understand that any software developed on the WordPress platform must adhere to the original GPL license.

We firmly believe that plugins and themes constitute derivative work and therefore are subject to the GPL license.

Who are we?

We are a company specializing in the distribution of software essential for website development. This includes WordPress themes and plugins, PHP scripts, and JavaScript tools.

Established in 2020, our platform has become one of the most sought-after destinations for premium digital products catering to website design.

Our mission is to offer every user access to premium products at competitive prices!

We curate the latest versions of top-tier WordPress templates, plugins, PHP scripts, and JavaScript tools, striving to make our website as user-friendly as possible. This includes an ad-free environment, direct download links, and intuitive search and navigation features.

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